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ThirdLife 第三人生

最新版本: Thirdlife 5.0

config.yml languages 不同的语言设置

if you don't want to copy,you can click any title to download config.yml

Chinese Language 中文

lives: "你还剩下%lives%条命"
lost-lives: "你失去了所有的生命!"
pvp-disabled: "游戏开局的10分钟内禁止PvP!"
startgame: "游戏开始"
game-explain: "第三人生游戏已开始!每位玩家有 3 条生命!10 分钟内禁止 PvP!"
game-being: "游戏已经在进行中!"
endgame: "第三人生游戏已结束!" 
game-not-start: "游戏尚未开始!"
command-only: "此命令仅限玩家使用!"
pvp-allow: "PvP 现已允许!"
congratulation: "恭喜! %player% 获得胜利!!"

English Language 英语

lives: "You have %lives% lives left"
lost-lives: "You have lost all your lives!"
pvp-disabled: "PvP is disabled for the first 10 minutes of the game!"
startgame: "Game start"
game-explain: "The Third Life game has started! Each player has 3 lives! PvP is prohibited for the first 10 minutes!"
game-being: "The game is already in progress!"
endgame: "The Third Life game has ended!"
game-not-start: "The game has not started yet!"
command-only: "This command is for players only!"
pvp-allow: "PvP is now allowed!"
congratulation: "Congratulations! %player% has won!!"

Chinese - Classical Chinese 文言文

lives: "汝尚有%lives%命存焉"
lost-lives: "汝尽失性命矣!"
pvp-disabled: "开局十分钟内,禁斗杀!"
startgame: "戏始"
game-explain: "第三人生戏已启!众人各有三命!十分钟内禁斗杀!"
game-being: "戏已然行中!"
endgame: "第三人生戏已竟!"
game-not-start: "戏尚未启!"
command-only: "此令唯限玩家用之!"
pvp-allow: "今可斗杀矣!"
congratulation: "贺喜!%player%得胜矣!"

version updates 版本更新目录

version 3.0-SNAPSHOT

create base program 基本代码构建

version 4.0-SNAPSHOT

+ English Mode 英文版本
+ Version check 版本检查

version 4.1

+ /3rd reload plugin reload 插件重载

version 5.0

+ /3rd version
+ /3rd reload
+ /3rd start
+ /3rd end
+ /lives

- /startgame
- /endgame


version 5.0

从5.0版本开始,/startgame与/endgame将不再可用,具体见时间线中的version 5.0添加与删除部分